Monday, July 28, 2008

Fat Loss Mind Game

Fat loss and losing weight can be more of a mind game than a self-control issue. You might believe that you are not disciplined enough to stick to any kind of diet. You might think that you have a slow metabolism so you lose hope.

If any of these describe you - then you should also be aware there is help for you. Your metabolism CAN be sped up, and you can achieve a level of self-control to help you through difficult times. But like I say in all my posts - you have to take action, first.

You must make the first step. Whether it's buying a workout CD, purchasing a diet book or joining the gym, you have to move in the direction you want to go. If you lack willpower or motivation, there are ways to overcome procrastination. There is help out there, if you want it.

Top athletes have something in common that they all do before workouts and before competitions. They visualize the results they are looking for. They do this because it is a proven system that works. But the key is consistency.

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds. It does take practice to sit quietly and think about your goals. During this time you have to attempt to use all five of your senses in the visualization. See what you want, feel what you are doing, smell the room you are in, taste something like gum, hear what is going on around you. Using all of your senses makes your goal more real, therefore more reachable.

Take a first step now and read about this program that can help. I love it because the writer does understand that you need to clear impurities that are clogging your metabolism. At the same time it an excellent program to help you stay motivated and on-track. It also includes what I always believe helps the first stage of motivation... Before and After pictures. If anything, at least go to look at these.

Weight Loss Transformation

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