Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Losing weight is hard for most of us. But is it really lack of willpower? There may be other reasons why we have such a hard time.

Usually I post about different ways of helping ourselves lose weight. But seldom do I address what may be a cause of excess weight and why it is so hard to get rid of.

The answer from what I have researched is; environmental toxins. It is not as far fetched as some would have you believe.

Consider the fact that medical research has been studying the effects of environmental toxins for decades. The findings are consistent with what holistic practitioners have been saying for years - that they do adversely affect our bodies.

Known toxins do cause hormonal imbalances and are stored in fat. These are known facts that are proven by science. So how do we deal with them?

A weight loss detox may be the answer that some are looking for. Check out this article and see if your problem is really not you.
weight Loss detox.

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